
Kathleen Buchanan
“Flock and Sea,” collagraph, 8x8
Kathleen Buchanan is a printmaker working primarily in the collagraph medium. Her work focuses on the landscapes and wildlife of Maine and western Ireland. Kathleen lives and works in Rockport, Maine.

Jennifer Butts
All of my artwork is individually handcrafted out of cut pieces of fabric. Fabric can depict so much around us like water, trees, and other parts of nature. I have always loved working with fabric and using it to create my pictures.

Barbara Chase
"Pork Chop", Acrylic, 12" x 12" on canvas
Barbara Chase, from Waterville, Maine, enjoys doing a still life, landscapes and more recently, barnyard animals. She is currently working on a series of birds and bees.

Sandra Dolan
"The Forager" 6x6 oil on canvas
Painting in oil and watercolor Sandy seeks to capture the ever changing light and color of the Maine landscape. Always a lover of the outdoors, Sandy will often set up her painting equipment on location in order to gather, on canvas, the feeling of a particular day.

Tim Gaydos
"Summer's End," 24x24 acrylic
The composition of a painting is its most important technical aspect. The stronger the composition, the greater the impact.

Janet Glatz
"Asticou Gardens", 20x16 oil painting
Janet Glatz has been a professional painter for over 25 years and has sold work across the U.S. and Asia. She specializes in art that depicts the Mt. Desert Island area.

Chris Gray
"The Belfast Piper," oil on canvas
Chris Gray is an artist and musician hailing from Southwest Harbor, Maine. As an artist, his passion is for landscape and portrait painting in oils.

Pam Haynes
"Magic on Rocks," watercolor 23x23
Pam is an impressionist watercolorist who loves bold strong colors contrasted with subtle soft hues. She employs painting many layers of washes while still maintaining translucency to capture the interplay of light and darks in her works.

Wendilee Heath O'Brien
"When Light Filters Through"
Light/dark; subtle; vibrant/subdued: art is juxtaposition to engender a message and evoke a response.

Dianne Horton
“Weather," 9x9 watercolor
Dianne Horton Dianne loves to paint outside on site where she can feel the ocean breeze and see the seagulls soaring above and pick a favorite spot right on the rocks to set up her watercolors.

Manny Jomok
"A Stream to the Ocean;" 18x12 watercolor
My most important aspect of plein air painting is outdoor light and my ability to paint it.

Ryan Kohler
"Shoulder to Shoulder," 36x48 acrylic on canvas
I am interested in representational painting where composition, color, value, and texture play large roles, but my focus continues to fall on finding abstract yet implicit shapes and trying to find ways to describe my subjects through expressive gesture and varied mark making.

Beth Lambert
"Lupin Delight," 30x22 oil on board
Nature nourishes, excites, and soothes me. I am not interested in literally rendering a scene. Rather, when I’ve gathered enough outside information, I move to an intuitive dimension.

Denis Leblanc
"The Park II" - 21x 29
Denis begins his work by sketching, in detail with pencil. He then paints in watercolor, with a combination of techniques to achieve a strong image.

Peggy Clark Lumpkins
"Morse Mountain from Popham," oil on canvas, 13x9
My work is done in oil paint on canvas that I stretch and prime myself. I work with transparent glazes, building up the color and dimensionality in many layers.

Linda Mahoney
"Turbulent Sky over Corea Heath," color woodblock print 10.5x15.75
Linda Mahoney creates color woodblock prints using the Moku Hanga technique (Japanese watercolor woodblock print). She paints plein air watercolors mostly at Downeast and Grand Manan locations as studies for her prints.

Kaitlyn Metcalf
"Nehemiah's Haul," acrylic on canvas with barnacles, 41" round
Kaitlyn’s paintings explore magical moments within nature and how they are connected to the human experience. She focuses on not only the image being rendered, but the surface of the painting, integrating natural and unusual materials into each piece.

Erik Minzner
"Patriotic Camden"
While I want my work to be reflective of my thoughts and emotions, it is not some way to call attention to myself. Rather, it is a journey of how I, along with others, collectively relate to the past, live in the present, and look towards future.

Cynthia Morse
"Spruce and Clover on Maine Coast"
Using bold, rich, contrasting colors to convey a sense of space, time and atmosphere, Cynthia primarily works in pastels. She works plein air because there is no better model for a painting than the many wonderful views that Maine offers.

Rick Osann
"Out of Shadow"
Rick Osann paints watercolor landscapes that feature the beautiful dance of light, color and shadow.

Edgar Reims
“Mt Battie,” 20x24 oil on canvas
Original oils painted on location. Emphasis on color and light for true atmospheric effect.

Robin Rier
"Red Sheds, Barney Cove," 14x18
As I settle outdoors, gear ready, all goes away, calm takes over. The landscape, trees, roadside pic, working waterfront, a farm; I am privileged to bring to the canvas a sense of place I hope any viewer will enjoy.

Ann Rhinehardt
I draw my inspiration from the world around me, exploring nature’s organic forms in a variety of media, particularly beeswax-based paints. Intrigued by color and shape, light and shadow and the dance they perform as they move in and out of space, I build up my paintings with many layers of vibrant color to create my visual interpretation of what I see and feel.

Finn Teach
"The Perfect Day," 10x10 oil on linen

Judith Schuppien
"Owls Head Beach," 16x20 oil
Judith’s style is loose and expressive, presenting familiar subjects in a fresh and interesting way. Clear, vibrant colors, active lines, and strong compositions express emotional connections in her pieces.

Roberta Sprague
"First Flight," 8x6 mixed media panel
Light and color are elusive qualities, offering ever-changing patterns that vary with the movement of branches and shadows through the landscape, with the seasons, the time of day, and the weather.

Gay Williamson
"Coastal Maine," 24x36 oil
Gay paints in oil. Her subjects range from coastal and inland Maine to flowers and landscapes of Italy and Greece.